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Hip Flexor Strain

Hip flexor strain can occur if you overdo your hip flexor muscles and tendons. A strain may be an indicator of a muscle tear and may require medical attention. Hip flexor strains are throbbing. The good news is that you can treat them with over-the-counter medicines and other things as directed by your Hip Replacement Doctor.

In this blog, Dr. Aashish Arbat an experienced and leading hip replacement surgeon in Pune explains the symptoms, treatment, exercises to practice and recovery time.

Let’s begin with explaining what are hip flexor stress symptoms.


Hip Flexor Strain Symptoms

Symptoms include:

  • Sudden, sharp pain in the hip or pelvis after trauma
  • Pain when stretching the hip muscles or lifting the leg to the chest
  • Cramping, stiffness, weakness, or spasms in the muscles of the upper leg or hip
  • Inflammation, bruising, or tenderness in the hip or thigh area
  • Stiffness or soreness in the hip flexor after long periods of rest

Hip flexor strains occur when you tear the fibers of your hip flexor muscles. Let’s understand the causes.

What Causes Hip Flexor Strains?

Causes of hip flexor strains include:

  • Overdoing of hip flexor muscles and tendons
  • A lack of flexibility
  • If you do not stretch or warm up before exercise
  • Traumas

Understanding where is Hip Flexor Pain is felt helps you in deciding when to consult a professional.

Where is Hip Flexor Pain Felt?

Hip flexor pain is generally felt in the upper groin region, where the thigh meets the pelvis.

Hip Replacement doctor would suggest a few tests to diagnose your hip flexor strain. Looking to know what tests to be done? Read on to have a clear idea of the tests.

Hip Flexor Strain Test

Tests done to identify hip flexor stress include;

  • Active range of motion testing
  • MRI
  • Passive range of motion testing
  • Thomas test
  • Ultrasound

Whenever we experience pain because of any injury etc; we desperately look for the right treatment. Looking to know how are hip flexor strains treated? Dr. Aashish Arbat a well-reputed Hip Replacement Doctor in Pune suggests hip flexor tightness treatment.

Hip Flexor Strain Treatment

Some common ways to treat hip strain are mentioned below:

  • Resting your hip as much as possible for the first few days
  • Wearing a compression wrap around the area
  • Applying ice to the affected area in 10- to 15-minute increments
  • Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medications
  • Doing gentle stretching exercises to reduce muscle tension and prevent future injury

With suitable treatment, recovery from minor to moderate this hip strain can take anywhere from one to three weeks.

Hip Flexor Strain Recovery Time

Hip flexor tightness recovery time depends on how severe the injury is. A minor strain can take a few weeks to rebuild. However, a severe strain can take six weeks or more to heal. According to Dr. Aashish Arbat, failing to rest and recover this hip strain generally only results in greater pain at a later time.

The good news is there are Hip flexor strain exercises designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles that support the hip joint. By stretching and exercising regularly you can keep your muscles in shape.

Hip Flexor Strain Exercises

Some examples of hip flexor strain exercises are:

  • Hip flexor stretch
  • Seated butterfly stretch
  • Bridge pose
  • Lunges

An Orthopedic Doctor in Pune, explained Grade 1 Hip Flexor Strain Recovery Time.

Grade 1 Hip Flexor Strain Recovery Time

The recovery time for this is one to two weeks. However, the recovery time will depend on the severity of the injury.

If You Are Experiencing a Hip Strain, Discuss Your Treatment Options With

Wrapping up

Ready to treat your hip strain? Don’t be afraid to reach out to a reputed Orthopedic Doctor to know the best hip strain treatment from a Hip Replacement Surgeon in Pune.

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