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Here in this blog… find, Muscle-Strengthening Exercise To Perform Before Knee Replacement… 

Muscle-Strengthening Exercise To Perform Before Knee Replacement

Exercises are important to perform before knee replacement surgery… as it strengthens the knee… enhances flexibility and help recovery faster.

Though there are numerous exercises one can perform at home… However, it has been advised to consult your surgeon and physical therapist before starting any new exercise regimen.

Here below find muscle-strengthening exercises one must be performing before knee replacement  surgery… so as to get the 100% of surgery.


Muscle-Strengthening Exercises To Perform Before Knee Replacement Surgery

Thigh Squeezes

This exercise helps build up quadriceps muscle… which is attached to the knee…

How To Do This…??

  • Firstly, lie down on your back
  • Tighten the muscle in front of your thigh, via pushing the back of knee down.
  • Hold up for 5 seconds and then release
  • Perform this up to 3 sets of 5 to 20 repetitions.

Straight Leg Raises

These leg raises helps build up quadriceps and hip flexor muscles.

This is especially crucial to regain strength after surgery.

How To Do This…??

  • Lie down on your back and bend up your uninjured knee… in a way that foot is flat onto the floor.
  • Now tighten up your injured thigh and lift up your straight leg to the height of your respective opposite knee
  • Hold up for 2 seconds at the top and now slowly lower to the starting position.
  • Perform this up to 3 sets of 5-20 repetitions.

You Might Refer Reading: Joint Replacement Doctor in Pune


Knee Bending

This muscle-strengthening exercise maintain range of motion prior to surgery

How To Do This…??

  • Sit in a stable chair and now bend your knee back as far as possible
  • Hold this position for up to 5 seconds and then return it to the resting position
  • Perform this up to 3 sets of 5 to 20 repetitions

Chair Pushup

After knee replacement surgery, it is sort of usual to use a cane or walker immediately.

This chair pushup exercise strengthens triceps, which are crucial muscles to use, either assistive device.

How To Do This…??

  • Sit in a sturdy chair with arms.
  • Now grasp the chair arms and push down on them, while raising body and straightening your respective arms and elbows.
  • Slowly lower yourself back onto the chair. This ultimately helps strengthening your triceps, so they can hold you up, when having weakness after surgery.


This works the hip external rotators and part of your respective abductors.

Both are crucial for early balance and ambulance.

How To Do It…??

  • Lie down on your side with the injured knee, pointed towards the ceiling.
  • Now, keeping your heels together… open up and close your legs like a clamshell.
  • Perform this up to 3 sets of 5 to 20 repetitions.

Side-Lying Straight Leg Raises

This exercise is important for building up hip abductor muscles, located in the side of the buttocks.

These muscles ultimately stabilizes pelvis, while standing and walking.

How To Do It…??

  • Lie on your side
  • Lift your leg straight up, towards the ceiling to a distance of about 1 ½ to 2 feet from your other respective leg.
  • Now, lower your leg and repeat.
  • Perform this up to 3 sets of 10
  • Lie down on your back and place up your injured leg, flat onto the floor or bed, while bending the other leg.
  • Raise your straightened leg up to about 12 inches… and hold it there for 5 seconds.
  • Now, slowly lower your leg.
  • Perform this upto 3 sets of 5 to 20 repetitions.

So, these were the Muscle-Strengthening Exercise To Perform Before Knee Replacement…

Now having a quick look at some of the queries by people related to this particular topic. Here we have answered the people’s queries ….

Water Exercises Before Knee Replacement

Alike that of traditional prehab exercises for total knee replacement… there is an absolute overlap in the movements and exercises suggested for knee patients.

Nonetheless, the main difference between on land vs in-water PreHab is that… in the water… cardio emphasis is possible.

Researches shows,

Numerous patients cannot achieve the same level of cardiovascular challenge on land, because of the joint discomfort.

Aquatic physical therapy exercises enhance cartilage health, agility, range of motion, balance, joint flexion and extension, and gait function.

Exercise Bike Before Knee Replacement

Riding exercise before knee replacement surgery helps ease the arthritis effects and make the recovery smooth, less painful and easier.

Knee Replacement Exercises to Avoid

Exercise benefits health and aids recovery after knee surgery.

However, some exercise can do harm the knee after surgery. So, it is recommended to check with doctor before including exercise into routine…

Exercises To Avoid After Knee Replacement Surgery

  • Running and Jogging
  • High-Impact Sports
  • Aerobics
  • Hiking
  • Weight Training
  • Skateboarding & Rollerblading

So, here finally ends up our blog on Muscle-Strengthening Exercise To Perform Before Knee Replacement…

Now, if looking for orthopaedician to perform your knee replacement surgery, you need to consult the best… In this situation, you are suggested to consult Dr. Aashish Arbat… Top Orthopedic Doctor in Pune, Maharashtra, India & Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Pune, Maharashtra.

Dr. Aashish Arbat – Top Knee Replacement Surgeon in Pune, Maharashtra

Being an internationally acclaimed joint replacement surgeon with over a decade of experience of treating more than 5000 patients via several enhance techniques… Dr. Aashish Arbat is the best knee replacement doctor in Pune, Maharashtra.

Dr. Aashish is the one who introduced tissue preserving (Subvastus Cruciate Retaining) surgery… ultimately leading to patient’s quick recovery.

Moreover, he is the one who introduced Bone Conserving Total Knee Replacement Surgery… preserving patient’s natural wealth.

All these achievements make him the ultimate orthopedic doctor in Pune, Maharashtra.

You must consult him for the best knee replacement surgery in Pune.